Saturday, November 10, 2012

I told the universe that I wanted to get back on my spiritual path. The universe sent me a person to remind that I wanted to walk my path and needed a refresher. The teachngs are somewhat different than what I was teaching myself but i really feel it was the path that I was trying to find on my own and didn't. The new teachers that are walking beside me, guiding me gently allowing me to grow once again in a way my heart feels is right are part of a tribe. I am opening my soul to their wisdom and beliefs. Each step an alightment of consiousness of who I am and where I want to be. The path is waiting and I shall enmbrace the learnings with an open heart and mind.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Today I choose to find my spiritual path. I walk with the goddesses in love and light. I will take care of me as I walk this path. Doing what my heart leads me to do.

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Had another night of no sleep last night but today I woke up at 9:30.  Made a good breakfast, cleaned the apt some. Watered all my plants that I bought Thursday and re potted Friday my apt is feeling  more  cozy.  

I watched Mirror Mirror yesterday and I really liked it. Thinking today I am going to watch 21 Jump Street if I get more class work completed.

As far as my training goes, I am taking a vitamin, working with a trainer but I need to work on my core. My core is very weak and is causing me too many set backs while training. I need to find a beginning yoga class.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Last night sleeping was an issue for me. I woke up at 2 am and then couldn't get back to sleep til 6 am. Once  I fell asleep i slept till 11 am. My day seems to be gone, I am more of a morning person and have found I don't like sleeping so late.
On another note I have come to realize that while I am taking classes on line I lack discipline, I find that I am again wasting too much time on doing meaningless things. I am not focusing on the things I want to focus on. I know making changes in one life is hard, and I know that its easier to make bad habits than it is to break them but I feel I am a strong enough woman to make the change. I must keep reminding myself its baby steps, and the only way to achieve anything is to not give up, so with that said I am at this time turning off my TV, turning on some meaningful music, soothing my tired soul, and going to work on my online classes now. I would like to start writing down my thoughts and feeling more and try to express what I am thinking, wanting, feeling so that I can look back and see the positive and good in my life.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Cloudy Day

So today is day two of summer term. I awoke at 6:15 and got started on my morning. I seem to be in a creative mood and have actually blogged, written comments on author's pages, made comments on article, redesigned my blog, cleaned up my pictures added an album to Google of my recent trip back home and yet I haven't started my class work!!
I have decided I would like to start blogging more, seek out my spiritual side, do yoga (my core sucks) keep exercising, and take more photos! The pictures on my blog are ones I took when I was in Breaux Bridge, La. I don't think I did a bad job at all!!


Training is going slow and very painful at times but I havn't given up!! I am feeling somewhat better and I know its going to take hard work to get the goal that I want to obtain but I will work to achieve it. Self discipline is not easy but can be obtained!!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Meeting at 5

Im meeting Sean today at 5 for some fitness training. I am looking forward to it. My trainer Ryan wants me to work out three times this week and do 5 days of cardio but because of midterms i havent been able to go work out this weekend. I am ready for tomorrows midterms so I feel an hour at the gym will be wonderful to get rid of my stress.
Breakfast today was:
half a med banana, 6 oz of yogurt, 8 oz of minute maid pomagranite juice (yummy has blueberries, rasberries, pomagranite, apple and grapes, and a small glass of chocolate milk..
Lunch today was:
small sandwich, some jambalaja, 4 oz of water, and 8 oz of ice tea.
Snack 1: half of medium banana.
Have been taking my multivitamin daily.
I actually feel really good.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Time for a change

I am now working out with a trainer at LA Fitness, I have been assessed and it seems that I am not too bad off. Yes I have weight to loose, yes I have a large percentage of fat to be gotten rid of but I know I can do this.  On Feb. 5th I met with a trainer and had an assesment done. Today 2/9/12 I went in for my first 30 min training session. I have been drinking more water today, I have been trying to eat fruit inbetween meals. I am going to do some research to see how many calories a day I need to eat then I will research what I should eat to help me meet those calories and have the most energy and get the best results for my workout. I hope to be albe to run here again really soon!!