Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Spiritual Life Coach

Today I created a Go Fund Me account to raise 2000.00 for training to become a Spiritual Life Coach.

I can't wait. I hope I can raise enough for me to take several classes!!

Friday, March 22, 2013

March 22, 2013

Yesterday I went to the Dr. I was informed that I have Fibromyalgia. I was told to find a support group, start exercising, keep taking my vitamin B12 and D. I was informed that I should start doing some yoga and meditation to control my pain as well as continue to take the anti inflammatory meds and muscle relaxers.

This morning I received a call from the specialist, She informed me that yes I do have Fibro and that I also have wear and tear arthritis in my hips.

I am to continue to see my primary care Dr as well as do research on what other people have tried and worked for them to control the fibro.

Anj my best friend came by and gave me a cane because right now I can't put any weight on my left leg.

I have lost four pounds since Xmas. Doesn't seem like a lot but its in my belly so my jeans are fitting differently.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Well I spent Sunday March 10 and 11th in the hospital to be sent home knowing no more than I know now. I was put on four days of bed rest which ended Saturday. Today is Wednesday March 20th and im battling pain and depression. I have cried for three days, and its now turned to anger. I am to go to the dr. tomorrow and Friday. I am hoping someone has an answer for me.

I am allowed five minutes of exercise a day for one week, then get to up it to six for one week and then seven and so forth, the problem is just walking hurts me. I get tired if I even do the dishes........ this is driving me insane!

Friday, March 8, 2013

I am here.....
         I am here.....
                   see me, hear me.....
Let me know you know 

I am here.....
         I am here.....
                   see me, hear me.....
Do you see me?

 I am here.....
         I am here.....
                   see me, hear me.....
Do you hear me?

I am here
I am alive
I am me

Don't miss me,
Don't hate me,
Don't dismiss me,


I am here, 
I am woman, 
I am mom,
I am student,
I am lover,
I am a friend,

I am me!
  I am free!
     I am alive!


Maintaining pain

I went to see a specialist today because again I am in pain, I can barely do anything with out getting extremely tired and hurting. I am waiting for my blood test to come back to see if they can find anything wrong. This started on Xmas day and I have been seen several times but just given medication for it. As soon as the medication is gone the pain returns.

I am not to exercise or work out until they have viewed all of my records and test result. Till then I am allowed five minutes a day of light exercise working it up weekly by one minute. So this week five minutes a day, next week six minutes a day, and so forth.

Started taking the new meds and ended up sleeping for two hours, woke up in pain and very tired. I hope they figure this out soon because I am tired of this, I am not me. I am in constant pain.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

I created this today. I felt the need to express how the loss of a friend affected me. I am sad but he truly was a butterfly that rested on my heart.

Monday, February 4, 2013

My fitness goals are:

  1. Drink more water
  2. Eat healthier
  3. Work out
  4. Take care of me.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

A new gym is opening Feb 18th and I ma looking forward to it. I have a friend who is a fighter and has lost a lot of weight so that he could be in a fight, and works daily to stay in shape. He has made me a offer to help me get back on track, tone up and shape my body. Today I took him up on his offer. I have basically three weeks to start getting ready. He wants me to spend time doing cardio till the gym opens. I will need to discipline myself to getting to bed early, getting up, eating a good breakfast, doing cardio and get my mindset to start working out. He said we will be working out early in the morning, because that is when he works out. I am looking forward to this. Tomorrow is day one.

Well I got sick on Xmas day about 4 hours after dinner. I was sick for several weeks with a virus that attacked my joints and muscles. It took several Dr. visits, medication and time and I thought I was doing better. Days off the medication, alert, getting things done, when all of a sudden I am sick again. I have had horrible headaches and tummy aches for a few days. Today being the worse. I felt like I was going to pass out and I am hurting in my joints again as well as a horrible headache!
I am wanting to start working out, doing some light yoga and I have been working on eating better but it seems every time I try to get on track I get sick. I am TIRED of this.