Wednesday, January 23, 2013

A new gym is opening Feb 18th and I ma looking forward to it. I have a friend who is a fighter and has lost a lot of weight so that he could be in a fight, and works daily to stay in shape. He has made me a offer to help me get back on track, tone up and shape my body. Today I took him up on his offer. I have basically three weeks to start getting ready. He wants me to spend time doing cardio till the gym opens. I will need to discipline myself to getting to bed early, getting up, eating a good breakfast, doing cardio and get my mindset to start working out. He said we will be working out early in the morning, because that is when he works out. I am looking forward to this. Tomorrow is day one.

Well I got sick on Xmas day about 4 hours after dinner. I was sick for several weeks with a virus that attacked my joints and muscles. It took several Dr. visits, medication and time and I thought I was doing better. Days off the medication, alert, getting things done, when all of a sudden I am sick again. I have had horrible headaches and tummy aches for a few days. Today being the worse. I felt like I was going to pass out and I am hurting in my joints again as well as a horrible headache!
I am wanting to start working out, doing some light yoga and I have been working on eating better but it seems every time I try to get on track I get sick. I am TIRED of this.