Monday, February 13, 2012

Meeting at 5

Im meeting Sean today at 5 for some fitness training. I am looking forward to it. My trainer Ryan wants me to work out three times this week and do 5 days of cardio but because of midterms i havent been able to go work out this weekend. I am ready for tomorrows midterms so I feel an hour at the gym will be wonderful to get rid of my stress.
Breakfast today was:
half a med banana, 6 oz of yogurt, 8 oz of minute maid pomagranite juice (yummy has blueberries, rasberries, pomagranite, apple and grapes, and a small glass of chocolate milk..
Lunch today was:
small sandwich, some jambalaja, 4 oz of water, and 8 oz of ice tea.
Snack 1: half of medium banana.
Have been taking my multivitamin daily.
I actually feel really good.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Time for a change

I am now working out with a trainer at LA Fitness, I have been assessed and it seems that I am not too bad off. Yes I have weight to loose, yes I have a large percentage of fat to be gotten rid of but I know I can do this.  On Feb. 5th I met with a trainer and had an assesment done. Today 2/9/12 I went in for my first 30 min training session. I have been drinking more water today, I have been trying to eat fruit inbetween meals. I am going to do some research to see how many calories a day I need to eat then I will research what I should eat to help me meet those calories and have the most energy and get the best results for my workout. I hope to be albe to run here again really soon!!